Definition of advertisement :
Advertising is a communication whose is to inform potential costumers about to generic increased consumption of those product and service through the creation and reinforcement of brand loyalty.For these purposes advertisement often contain both factual information and persuasive messages.Every major medium is used to deliver these messages,including,television,radio,movies,magazines,newspaper,video games,the internet and billboards.Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company.
In short,advert
Information for persuading and motivation people so that it will attract them to the service and the thing that are offered or informed.
Function of advertisement
In making an advertisement keep the following points :
1.Language of advertisement :
- Using the correct or suitable words
- Using the interesting and suggestive expression
- Using positive expression
- Text of advertisement should be directed to goal
- Objective and honest
- Brief and clear
- Not mocking to group or other producer
- Attractive attention
- Advertisement is a comerical solicitation designed to sell some commodity,service or similar.Companies try to sell their product using.
- Advertisement is a public notice the city council placed an advertisment in the local newspaper in informs it residents of the forthcom in road works
For the example:
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Made of strong plastic.
Comes in two colors: Dark Gray and Ligth Blue
$ 104.50.
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